Order Return Policy

Mapesout’s return policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a refund.

Canceling an Order

Orders can be canceled if a cancellation request is submitted within 2 hours of the purchase time. We will process your cancellation request within 24 hours. In the first instance that you wish to cancel your online order, please email (contact@mapesout.com) with your customer details.

For orders that are being processed or have been dispatched from the warehouse but have not yet been received, we will have to organize a return through the delivery service to which your order was sent.

For online orders that have already been received and you would like to return, please see details of our Returns Policy.

Refund Requirements

To be eligible for a refund, the following conditions must be met.

  • The product must be in its original packaging.
  • The product must be unused.
  • The product must not be damaged.

To ensure that the above criteria are met, all returns will be inspected. If the product does not meet the criteria listed, we reserve the right not to issue a refund.

Return Procedure

In all instances, mapesout must be contacted prior to a return being sent; so that the appropriate method of return can be arranged.

This ensures that all returns are dealt with as quickly as possible. Failure to adhere to these instructions may result in delays in processing your return or potentially additional costs.

Step 1: To start a return, please contact mapesout providing mapesout with your order number and details of what you would like to return and why.

Step 2: Properly handle and repackage the item to avoid any damage during shipping.

Step 3: Items put into transport and tracking details sent to mapesout.

Step 4: Items received into the mapesout warehouse and items condition checked.

Step 5: Upon items confirmed being saleable, a refund, credit, or exchange will be processed.

Return Address

Mapes Industries, Inc.
Mr. Davis +(1)(531) 254-7697
7748 N 56th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska,68514


Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.

Refunds are processed within 2 business days of being approved. Refunds are sent back using the original payment method. Depending on your financial institution it may take 4-5 business days for these funds to be made available in your account.

Late or Missing Refunds

  • If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again.
  • Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.
  • Next, contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.
  • If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at contact@mapesout.com.

Defective or Damaged Goods

If you receive goods that are defective, mapesout’s exchange or return policy will apply. If you receive goods that are damaged by the shipping carrier, you will submit a claim to the shipping carrier directly.